Conference programme: “Short Forms in the Classroom: Breaking Down Boundaries”

University of Angers, France, 10-12 July 2023

See below for links to online sessions.

The University of Angers is organizing a closing conference for the Short Forms Beyond Borders (SFBB) pedagogical innovation project (European Erasmus + “Strategic Partnerships”) July 10-12, 2023. These three days will be structured as a “Multiplier Event,” i.e. a conference which aims to share the results of the project and initiate a reflection about its impact through the organization of conferences, workshops, and round tables. The SFBB project draws connections between research and innovative pedagogy through a focus on “short forms.” The diverse objects of study and tools in short formats can be the following: news, micro-news, tweets, pitches, Facebook or Instagram posts, short videos, fanfiction, short films, news flashes, street art, cartoons, songs, etc.

The conference will be addressed to not only short form specialists but also primary and secondary school teachers interested in pedagogy and didactics. It also aims to reach a wider audience who might be curious to know more about these short forms which have always been associated with education, but are particularly present in contemporary modes of information and communication in ways of which are not always aware.
This interdisciplinary and international meeting will allow the partners of the project to present the results of their activities in innovative pedagogy with short formats to not only the pedagogical and scientific community, but also to researchers from various disciplines in the humanities, languages and social sciences. We would like to continue to reflect upon these short forms that we often struggle to define and therefore welcome presentations or activities (innovative forms are welcome) about of the following topics
– Short forms and pedagogical practices
– Short literary, audiovisual and cultural forms
– Short forms and tourism
– Short forms and social mediation
– Short forms and migration
– Etc.
Languages of the conference: English and French


Monday 10 July :

Session Teams 1 amphi Germaine Tillion : 10h-15h30 : sessions plénières et 15h30-18h : Workshop 1 (chair B. Palmeirim) 

Session Teams 2 salle Frida Kahlo : 15h30-18h : Workshop 2 (chair V. Douglas)

Session Teams 3 salle Julien Gracq : 15h30-18h : Workshop 3 (chair JF. Bianco)

Session Teams 4 salle Camille Lepage : 15h30-18h : Workshop 4 (chair L. Torres)


Tuesday 11 July :

Session Teams 5 amphi Germaine Tillion : 9h-19h : sessions plénières, Workshops 2 (chairs J. Sacido Romero et L. Lojo Rodriguez ), 6 et 7 (chairs G. Préher et X. Le Brun) et session plénière causerie Ailsa Cox et Ruby Cowling

Session Teams 6 salle Frida Kahlo : 11h30-14h45  : workshop 4 (chair L. Louvel), et 5 (chair Ch. Reynier)

Session Teams 7 salle Camille Lepage : 11h30-13h15 : Workshops 3 (chair M. Vihou)

Session Teams 8 salle Julien Gracq : 13h45-15h Workshop 1 (chair L. Louvel)


Wednesday 13 July :

Session Teams 9 amphi Germaine Tillion : 10h30-18h- : sessions plénières, 11h30-13h30: Workshop 2 (chair M. Hennard) , workshop 5 et clôture du colloque

Session Teams 10 salle Frida Kahlo : 11h30-17h: Workshop 1 (chair M. Basseler) et 4 (chair L. Kocics- Zámbó)

Session Teams 11 salle Camille Lepage : 11h30-13h30: Workshop 3 (chair E. Mathieu)


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