Short Fiction in Theory and Practice 12.2

Vol. 12.2 , the second of two special issues on ‘the health of the short story’ guest-edited by Lucy Dawes Durneen is now available.  Lucy’s editorial
‘Breaking ourselves open: Recovery and survival in the short form’  reflects on the process of editing and arranging articles that speak to and across the individual issues, and the way in which this itself mirrors the short story’s trifold ability to diagnose, observe and potentially suture together resolutions for the challenges of the human condition, both within the boundaries of the text, and as a discrete tool for personal recovery.

Other articles discuss pandemic literature; medical short stories in the 1890s; the early 20th century US writer Fanny Hurst; monstrous motherhood in Renaissance short fiction; and running writing workshops for health workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. There are creative contributions from Moy McCrory, Virginia Hartley and the Chilean author Carolina Brown, who is also in conversation with Lucy Dawes Durneen. Plus book reviews on the modern short story and magazine culture and the German short story by  Aleix Tura Vecino and Livi Michael.

Call for Contributors: Handbook of the Short Story

We are editing a Handbook of the Short Story in the World for Brill as part of the series Handbooks of Literary and Cultural Studies, and we are looking for chapters on some specific topics (see below).  We are well aware that the chapters are broad in their scope. Some of these chapters should have a comparativist approach that covers several countries. For that reason, we are looking for potential contributors who have expertise in the field to write a synthetical approach to the topic while at the same time being analytical in the discussion of concrete short stories. Ideally a chapter should offer an overview of the topic, and then discuss three or four authors and/ or stories.

The volume is aimed at non-specialist scholars and graduate (or otherwise advanced) students in literature and cultural studies and it offers balanced accounts, not axe-grinding or reckoning of grievances with other scholars. The chapters aim to provide full balanced accounts at an advanced undergraduate and graduate level, as well as a synthesis of debate, past and current methodologies, and the state of scholarship.  As editors, we are seeking purpose-written contributions, book chapters, between 6,000 and 8,000 words, aiming to explain what sources there are, what methodologies and approaches are appropriate in dealing with them, what issues arise and how they have been treated, indicating also the room for disagreement. In conclusion the chapter must be a guide to the graduate student approaching the material for the first time (focused not marginal, orienting, providing contextual information, pointing out leading or provocative questions).

Contributors should send an abstract (300 – 500 words) and a brief CV to both editors by March 15th 2022. Confirmation of acceptance by April 15th 2022. Final versions should be submitted in December 2022.

If you have any query, please do not hesitate to email us.

Santiago Rodríguez Guerrero-Strachan (University of Valladolid) and  José Ramón Ibáñez Ibáñez (University of Almería)

List of units to cover:

Theoretical approaches

The short story: from the Press to the Digital Age

The Folk Tale

The Fantastic/ Horror/ Gothic Short Fiction

The Science Fiction Short Story

History of Short Fiction

The Rise of the Modern Short Story: Poe, Hawthorne, ETA Hoffmann, J.P. Kleist, N. Gogol, Sir Walter Scott

The Realist Short Story: S. Crane, Henry James, G. Flaubert, G. Maupassant, I. Turgenev, T. Hardy, M. Twain, A. Chekhov

Fin-de-siècle Short Story: Gérard de Nerval, R. Kipling, R. L. Stevenson

The Modernist Short Story: James Joyce, V. Woolf, E. Hemingway, W. Faulkner, F.S. Fitzgerald, K. Mansfield, J. Conrad, Ford Maddox Ford

The Diasporic Short Story: Jhumpa Lahiri, Ha Jin, Sefi Atta, Ben Okri

Regions of the Short Story

The Hispanic and Francophone Caribbean Short Story: A. Carpentier, G. García Márquez, S. Ramírez, Marvel Moreno

The Río de la Plata Short Story: J. L. Borges and J. Cortázar

The North American Short Story in Spanish: J.J. Arreola and A. Monterroso

The Spanish Short Story: G.A. Bécquer, E. Pardo Bazán, I. Aldecoa, C. Fernández Cubas

Ethnic Fiction: M. Hong Kingston, H. M. Viramontes, Louise Erdrich

The Anglo-Indian Short Story: M. Raj Anard, R.K. Narajan and Raja Rao.

The Southeast Asian Short Story

The Arabic Short Story

The Short Story in German: F. Kafka, T. Mann, T. Bernhard

Eastern Europe Short Fiction: Sholom Aleichem, Shalom Asch, I. Bashevis Singer, I. Babel

The East Asian Short Story

The Israeli Short Story


Theoretical approaches: The short story: from the Press to the Digital Age

The Folk Tale

The Fantastic/ Horror/ Gothic Short Fiction

The Science Fiction Short Story

History of Short Fiction:

The Rise of the Modern Short Story.

The Realist Short Story.

Fin-de-siècle Short Story.

The Modernist Short Story.

The Diasporic Short Story.

Ethnic Short Fiction.

Regions of the Short Story:

The Hispanic and Francophone Caribbean Short Story.

The Río de la Plata Short Story.

The North American Short Story in Spanish.

The Spanish Short Story.

The Anglo-Indian Short Story.

The Arabic Short Story.

The Israeli Short Story.

The Short Story in German.

Eastern European Short Fiction.

The Southeast Asian Short Story.

The East Asian Short Story.