Call for Contributions: Special issue on Thomas Pynchon in Eastern Europe: Translation, Dissemination, Reception

Guest editors: Sergej Macura (University of Belgrade), Gábor Tamás Molnár (Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest)

The international reception of Thomas Pynchon’s work has not received much scholarly attention, even though Pynchon is generally recognized as one of the most influential American prose writers of our era. The guest editors of this special issue intend to focus on Pynchon’s reception in a specific region, a broadly conceived Eastern Europe (potentially including the Balkans, the Baltic states and former Soviet republics such as Russia and Ukraine). Since Pynchon’s early career covered parts of the Cold War period, the study of how his works were received beyond the Iron Curtain may reveal tendencies of censorship, institutions of cultural politics – and ways for translators, publishers and critics to work around them – in Soviet satellite countries. The period around the first wave of Pynchon’s reception in the Warsaw Pact countries is also a field of change, since introducing a US-American author to Poland or Romania in the 1970s and 1980s was a whiff of a completely new literary culture and carried with it a sense of clash between communism and capitalism. The political institutions of publishing were not the same in any two countries, and studying the publication history of Pynchon’s work can provide a lot of ground for the discussion of ideological dynamics in this part of the continent.

We ask contributors to investigate the overall diachronic context of transplanting Pynchon’s works into the recipient cultures, the political history of the region being an obvious point of reference. How did the fall of communism and the later Eastward extension of Western institutions and frameworks influence the reception of American writers, Pynchon in particular? Which works were published first, in what venues did they appear, and did they have any documented impact on the recipient cultures? Probably for reasons of brevity and accessibility, The Crying of Lot 49 was the first fully translated book by Pynchon in several countries (including Yugoslavia and Hungary), appearing around 1990. However, individual chapters of V. were published in literary journals in Romania and Poland earlier. An anthology of contemporary American short stories, named Entropy and containing Pynchon’s story of the same title, was published in Hungarian as early as 1980. The first translations often influence later ones, especially if the same translator translates multiple books. From the 1990s, decisions on which volumes to translate and publish may have been influenced by considerations of profitability, the availability of translation grants, and the (re)emergence of a readership that has had access to the international book market and could read works in English.

On a related point, we are also interested in the critical reception of Pynchon’s work in the region. We expect relatively sparse evidence of critical studies up to the late 1990s and the spread of online communication. When studying later periods, fan sites, blogs, interviews and media content may be relevant, but we are mainly interested in books, articles appearing in academic and literary journals, and MA and PhD theses. We would like to better understand the ways in which regional scholars working in American Studies or Comparative Literature have found to connect with international research trends, frameworks, and institutions. We are interested to see how the advent of the current publishing industry has influenced, benefitted (or hindered) the regional reception of Pynchon’s works. Which theories have made the most significant impact on the study of Pynchon in Eastern Europe? Which critical studies, which monographs have been the most influential, and how has the situation changed in the last two decades? Is there an inevitable belatedness in studying an English-speaking author in a non-English-speaking country, or can scholars in this region make original contributions to the field?

Overall, we are inviting one of two types of contributions to the issue:

1) Historical overviews of one or more aspects of Pynchon’s reception in a particular country and language, either in isolation or in comparative perspective. Such essays may focus on the history of translation, publication, circulation, critical reception of Pynchon’s stories, essays and novels. Such  essays could take a contextualist approach and may benefit from framing their object historically, using either traditional methods of intellectual history and comparative literature, or more recent approaches such as distant reading and quantitative methods in translation studies.

2) In-depth studies of the problems of translating Pynchon’s works into a particular language or languages. Essays of this type may focus either on a single work or a single set of issues—some aspects of Pynchon’s style, segments of his vocabulary, even specific passages. We expect essays of this type to offer copious textual detail and use theoretical framing derived from translation studies.

January 31, 2025: submission of article proposals of max. 300 words and a short (150-word) biographical note to and February 20, 2025: decision of acceptance or rejection of proposals by the editors
May 31, 2025: deadline for article submissions

CFP: Placing Katherine Mansfield

Placing Katherine Mansfield
University of Birmingham
1–3 July 2025

Keynote speakers:
Lauren Elkin (‘Mansfield Walking the City’) and Andrew Harrison (‘Mansfield in the Midlands’)
With a special performance from musician Stepha Schweiger

Katherine Mansfield once wrote ‘How hard it is to escape from places […] — you leave little bits of yourself fluttering on the fences — little rags and shreds of your very life’. Mansfield’s journeys ‘From the other side of the world / From a little island cradled in the giant sea bosom’ indelibly shaped the form and content of her writing, and the places that she visited and in which she settled throughout Europe exerted a lasting influence on her.
The 2025 conference of the Katherine Mansfield Society will re-examine the importance of place in Mansfield’s writings, while also asking: how do we ‘place’ Mansfield today? How do we situate her work in current critical conversations and against new scholarly debates?
Proposals are invited from researchers at all career stages for individual 20-minute presentations.
Suggested topics might include (but are not limited to):
• KM’s association with specific places (Wellington, London, Fontainebleau, etc.
• KM, the city, and metropolitan urban experience
• KM, the countryside, nature, and non-human worlds
• KM, locality, and regional identity
• KM, the Midlands, and D. H. Lawrence
• KM, borders, and boundary-crossing
• KM, houses, and belonging
• KM and suburbia
• KM, travel, and impermanent/temporary residences (hotels, guesthouses, etc.)
• KM and contemporary literary theory and criticism

Abstracts of no more than 250 words, together with a 50-word biographical sketch, should be sent to before 1 February 2025.
All members of the Katherine Mansfield Society will be eligible to pay a reduced conference fee, with significantly reduced rates available to postgraduate members. To become a member of the society, please visit

Edge Hill Prize Shortlist Announced

The shortlisted titles for the Edge Hill Prize 2024  for a published collection from Britain and Ireland are as follows:

  • Forgetting is How we Survive by David Frankel (Salt)
  • After the Funeral by Tessa Hadley (Jonathan Cape)
  • Encounters with Everyday Madness by Charlie Hill (Roman Books)
  • Monstrous Longing by Abi Hynes (Dahlia Publishing)
  • Parables, Fables, Nightmares by Malachi McIntosh (The Emma Press)
  • Walter Benjamin Stares at the Sea by CD Rose (Melville House Publishing)

A new £1,000 Debut Collection Award will also be presented to one of the shortlisted authors to celebrate the best new voices in short story writing, and a £500 prize will be awarded for the best entry from an Edge Hill University postgraduate creative writing student.

The winner will be announced in February 2025 at an award ceremony in London.  More details of judges and news about the prize are on its website.

Short Fiction in Theory and Practice 14.1

Short Fiction in Theory and Practice 14.1: Special Section on ‘The Short Story and Ecology’

 Guest edited by A. J. Ashworth and Aleix Tura Vecino


Vol. 14.1 of Short Fiction in Theory and Practice includes a special section on ‘The Short Story and Ecology’ with original fiction by Claire Dean and Ashley Bullen-Cutting, plus articles discussing short fiction and hybrid texts by Nirmal Ghosh, Sam Cohen, D. H. Lawrence, Juliana Spahr and Sarah Moss. A.J. Ashworth interviews the American writer Diane Cook, author of Man V. Nature.

In the general section, you will find articles by Karla Cotteau, Ariela Freedman and Ines Gstrein, discussing fiction by Anthony Burgess, Souvankham Thannavongsa, Anthony Veasna So and Janice Galloway. Paul March-Russell reviews Glimpse: An Anthology of Black British Speculative Fiction.  Din Havolli reviews Kurdistan + 100: Stories from a Future State

Available now at


European Network of Short Fiction Research Communication Email.

Dear ENSFR members,

Over the last couple of months we have set up a new communication group to enhance the network’s ability to share information about events, publications and call for papers.

If you have any information on events, publications and call for papers that you would like to be shared and posted on the ENSFR’s social media channels or/and website please email:

Best wishes,

Paul Knowles (ENSFR Communication Officer)

ENSFR Reading Group

The ENSFR reading group

The ENSFR reading group aims to provide a digital space for early career researchers and postgraduate students to come together and discuss classic and new short fiction. The reading group is co-coordinated by Maddie Sinclair (University of Warwick), Paul Knowles (University of Manchester) and Ines Gstrein (University of Innsbruck).

The group usually meets once per month during term time on Zoom. The link to the meeting room is circulated in advance via a mailing list, together with the set reading for the next meeting. For each meeting, there is a short story to read. There are also some questions to guide our reading and get the discussion started.

New members are always welcome! To sign up for the reading group, please send an email to the contact email address of the reading group: ensfrreadinggroup[at]

CFP Blue Short Stories — Special Issue N° 85 of the Journal of the Short Story in English (JSSE) — Deadline for proposals 15 December 2024

Painting by Julia Himmelstein, “3 a.m”, from her Portland exhibit Bodies of Water

Blue Short Stories

Special Issue N° 85 of the Journal of the Short Story in English (JSSE)

 Guest editors : Bénédicte Meillon, Université d’Angers, and Frédérique Spill, Université Jules Vernes Picardie

Since the turn of the century, the stakes inherent in climate change have turned out to be indissoluble from the threats affecting coastal and marine ecosystems. Scientists around the world have provided evidence that global warming is interlinked with rising sea levels, with the warming and acidification of the ocean, with the dwindling of fish populations, the bleaching of coral reefs, and with an increasing number of endangered marine species. As a matter of fact, we have come to realize that the future of our predominantly blue Earth and its myriad co-dwellers hinges in great part on the blueing of our minds. Following the recent “blue turn” in the humanities and ecocriticism, which seeks to remedy the rampant “ocean deficit disorder” diagnosed by Dan Brayton and to draw our attention beyond “green,” land-based issues to “blue” ones, the call for papers for this volume arises from the awareness that blue short stories deserve more attention that they have been getting. This special issue of the JSSE will consequently focus on blue short stories, i.e. short stories dealing with marine matters and, more largely, aquatic and terraqueous beings and places in ways that depart from anthropocentric land-based studies and frameworks. The overall aim is to explore short stories that help us venture into largely uncharted dimensions of experience and knowledge, and that may thus promote urgently needed ways of blueing our perception, worldviews, and ways of life. Continue reading “CFP Blue Short Stories — Special Issue N° 85 of the Journal of the Short Story in English (JSSE) — Deadline for proposals 15 December 2024”

17th International Conference on the Short Story in English

The 17th International Conference on the Short Story in English   directed by Dr Maurice A. Lee will take place in Killarney, Ireland, in June 2025.

Theme: “How it Works: The Uniqueness of the Short Story.”
Often, the short story is defined by what it is not: the novel. Yet perhaps the better question to ask is what does it uniquely offer that other forms of fiction cannot? What effect does the concentration of story and human experience into a few thousand words have on the reader? The shortness of form puts focus on individual experience, containing ‘an intense awareness of human loneliness’ (Frank O’Connor). It is a form that insists on removing everything non-essential and demands a ‘large deal of detection’ (Mary Lavin). This spareness requires total concentration from its reader to understand its profound wordless elements. Most importantly it seduces, with seeming simplicity, calling on our empathy; it creates a ‘transference of emotion’ (James Joyce) with a few carefully crafted lines. It is a form that is effortful, in some respects, for the reader, yet maintains a keen focus and is unmatched in its precision. What is so unique about this conference is that writers of fiction in English (Irish, British, American, Canadian, Australian, Caribbean, South Africa, Indian, Sri Lankan, Indonesian, etc.) and writers who have had their work translated into English, together with scholars of the genre will all come together to discuss that seductive unmatched precision.

Further details on the conference website.

Special issue, Short Fiction in Theory and Practice, ‘Materiality in the Short Fiction of Alice Munro’, deadline extended to November 15th.

Short Fiction Theory and Practice

‘Materiality in the Short Fiction of Alice Munro’, guest edited by Corinne Bigot, University of Toulouse Jean Jaurès, and Christine Lorre, Sorbonne Nouvelle University

“People’s lives, in Jubilee as elsewhere, were dull, simple, amazing and unfathomable—deep caves paved with kitchen linoleum.”

(Munro, Lives of Girls and Women, 1971. ShrThroughout her fourteen collections of short stories, Alice Munro has shown a clear interest in how her characters’ inner life and perception of the world are defined by the material things most immediate to them, as exemplified in the epigraph, a well-known quotation from Lives of Girls and women. Materiality is an integral dimension of culture (Tilley et al., 2006), and in Munro’s work, it is central to an understanding of social, gendered and individual existence, as the two are interconnected. Material things nurture the imagination, where they stick and develop as significant, unfathomable images. They embody the mystery of life, being paradoxically, like landscape, both “touchable and mysterious” (Munro, 1974). They physically anchor characters in the here and now, but they also speak to mind and spirit. They can embody connections as well as disconnections. Whether they are kept or discarded, over time, they haunt the protagonist and lead on to chains of memories, repeatedly re-membered, and with variations. They may become symbols of something larger than themselves, but more often than not they remain images stored up in memory, as so many active links to the past that transform the perception of the present. Objects act as signs that relate to the signified – and often as an index of atmosphere – but also, beyond that, to coded concepts, in a dual dynamic that binds surface and depth, that fuses realism and myth.


The international, peer-reviewed journal, Short Fiction in Theory and Practice (Intellect Books) is inviting original submissions for a special issue to be published in Spring 2025, that will explore material culture in Alice Munro’s work. We welcome critical articles, short fiction, and reflections on practice that investigate any aspect of the question of materiality in Munro’s short fiction.


Suggested topics might include, but are not limited to:

  • Material domains: architecture, home furnishing, technology, food, clothing, style.
  • Everyday materiality: houses and their contents, the materiality of domesticity.
  • Materiality and social class: class markers, social distinction, social belonging, Marxist theory.
  • The lifecycle of things: things made, exchanged, consumed.
  • Things and their meanings: performance, transformation, obsolescence.
  • Things and social identity: politics and poetics of displaying, representing, conserving material forms.
  • Material forms and the (gendered) body: embodied subjects, body care, role of the senses, phenomenology.
  • Material forms and sociality: subjectivities, intimacies, social and familial relations, worldviews.
  • Materiality and remembrance: signs of time passing, change, transformation, evolving interpretation.
  • Materiality and circulation: exchange and consumption, technology.
  • Materiality and discards: remains, junk, waste.
  • Archeological or ethnographic situations: materiality in alien settings.
  • Material memory: cultural memory, monuments and memorials.


Articles should be 4,000–8,000 words long and must not exceed 8,000 words including notes, references, contributor biography, keywords and abstract. All submissions are peer-reviewed. Contributions should be submitted electronically through the journal webpage, by clicking the submissions tab here


For style guide and submission details, please see

For further enquiries, please contact the editor, Professor Ailsa Cox, The deadline for submissions is extended to 15 November 2024.


NB: This call for papers was produced before Andrea Robin Skinner, Alice Munro’s daughter, made public revelations about her stepfather in the summer of 2024. The guest editors will pay due attention to this event and its repercussions in their editorial to the issue.