European Network of Short Fiction Research Communication Email.

Dear ENSFR members,

Over the last couple of months we have set up a new communication group to enhance the network’s ability to share information about events, publications and call for papers.

If you have any information on events, publications and call for papers that you would like to be shared and posted on the ENSFR’s social media channels or/and website please email:

Best wishes,

Paul Knowles (ENSFR Communication Officer)

ENSFR Reading Group

The ENSFR reading group

The ENSFR reading group aims to provide a digital space for early career researchers and postgraduate students to come together and discuss classic and new short fiction. The reading group is co-coordinated by Maddie Sinclair (University of Warwick), Paul Knowles (University of Manchester) and Ines Gstrein (University of Innsbruck).

The group usually meets once per month during term time on Zoom. The link to the meeting room is circulated in advance via a mailing list, together with the set reading for the next meeting. For each meeting, there is a short story to read. There are also some questions to guide our reading and get the discussion started.

New members are always welcome! To sign up for the reading group, please send an email to the contact email address of the reading group: ensfrreadinggroup[at]