Latest issue of Short Fiction in Theory and Practice out now, with articles on Alice Munro, and Elizabeth Strout and new collaborative fiction from Rupert Loydell and Amy Lilwall. There is also an interview with Tessa Hadley and a review of new books on editing. Graham Mort’s story, ‘Emporium’ explores the short story as ‘humble’ fiction from a practice-based perspective, introducing the topic ahead of the forthcoming ENSFR conference on this topic.
Programme Formes Brèves et Adolescence / Short Forms and Adolescence
This ENSFR affiliated conference will is organized by the Karima Thomas and François Huggonier of the research group CIRPaLL, Université de Angers. Keynote speakers are Michael Cart, Claude Chastagner, Rebecca Munford and Claude Savignon. You can find the programme and all information here.
Cfp: More than meets the ear: sound & short fiction – University of Vienna, 19th-21st September 2019 – EXTENDED DEADLINE: 15 June
Sound is being celebrated as a source of insight in the humanities, yet so far no study has been produced that focuses exclusively on sound in/and short, short short, very short and flash fiction. This ENSFR-affiliated conference aims to close that gap.